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Personal Leadership and Productivity

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Today's Tools

Zoom is what everyone is talking about. Based on the numbers, my guess is you’ve been using it. Yeah, and you even changed your background. But what about Krisp []? Krisp is a plugin that automatically silences background noise for both you and the caller. You could

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Your Algo vs. The Social Algo

This past week I went live with Khe from Radreads [] via Makerpad (we hosted a workshop) to learn about building your “Digital Brain” and managing your productivity using Notion. You can rewatch it here: I’ve spoken about the “PARA” method

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Taking Control and Letting Go

In a moment, you can take control. In any situation, you can take the reigns, and impart on it an action that changes the situation at hand. Without this action, events would play out on their own, but instead, you exerted influence. And that influence ripples across time and interconnected

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Harsh Truths

Life teaches us harsh truths by correcting our course. Over a long enough time scale… The market. The world. Your life… Will expose a truth. Just like the tide going out revealing what was there. Whether it's your comfort at a job which is gliding by under the

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Great Leaders Sit on the Floor

The healthy leader settles a meeting the moment it begins, like a gatekeeper to control the egos, filters, and guards that are put up as people enter this space. I read a book about an improv artist from the sixties who used to be a teacher. He would begin the

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The Short Cut to Solving Your Problems

Let's first start with what is currently the recipe of the day for solving your problems. You have a problem. Maybe with a co-worker at the office, or with a client who's being difficult. Maybe it's with your spouse, a friend, or a group

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The Things We Cover Up...

The things we cover up keep us stuck. The thing that is most difficult about being stuck is admitting it. It is honesty that frees us and opens us up to new possibilities. In our professional lives, we lie to ourselves constantly. Not the type of "lie" we&

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Who Do You Trust?

There is so much noise. Who do you trust? There are so many voices sharing their opinion. Who do you trust? There are news channels, fake news channels, friends who share online like they're news channels. Who do you trust? .... Yourself. In today's world, with information

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Genius is just a Word

I'm not sure why new people continue to join this list, or where they are coming from. But maybe it is the simple idea that far too many things in this world are telling you what to do, instead of how to be. There is nothing that you

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From Needs to Choices

When we're excited about our work, it translates. People can feel it. I don't know how; maybe it's the subtle choices we make when we're in that state? Maybe our minds are more open to interesting ideas and less constrained by fear?