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Rumi Wisdom

Occasionally I want to send you something unrelated, or maybe very related, to the conversations we're having about work/purpose/growth. Here are some quotes I've pulled from Rumi, a 13th century poet, who's words still resonate. There are of course many different translations,

Rumi Wisdom
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Relating is Just One Half of Connection

The internet gave us the solution to the pain that many people, myself included felt... “There aren’t any other people who care about what I care about.” But on the internet, these people are in abundance, and it’s incredible. Intellectual stimulation is available 24/7. All of the

holding hands
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3 Doorways: Work, Connection, World

When we’re caught in confusion, in debating or worrying, our focus and energy have shifted inward. Because we're struggling, we begin to look to the outside world for validation. We look for the signals that tell us we're ok, or that we're going

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There are two postures we can take: One posture is to try and “get” something from others; To fulfill our unmet needs, get resources or validation. The other is to “Give” – In this posture you see the other person rather than yourself first. You ask where you can help. You

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To Those Who Came Before.

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Corona Ethos

Take care of yourself first. You can’t help others if you are not safe and healthy. We need you and your community needs you. It’s selfish not to. Here’s what I’m doing: - Letting myself sleep in - Keeping to my meditation practice - Self-Quarantining -

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Nature Wants Art

What is culture if not art? We think we live in a serious world. And no doubt there are plenty of things to be serious about. But look around you. Clothing has become fashion. Writing has become poetry. Food has become Art. All things converge to going beyond function. Nature

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The Business Found Me

I've grown 10 years in the past 12 months. But somehow, I feel younger. Like my mind is much more open and... My financial situation hasn't changed at all. I didn't come upon $1million. It's my mindset that's done a