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Corona Ethos

David Sherry
2 min read

Take care of yourself first.

You can’t help others if you are not safe and healthy. We need you and your community needs you. It’s selfish not to.

Here’s what I’m doing:
- Letting myself sleep in
- Keeping to my meditation practice
- Self-Quarantining
- Organizing finances
- Supplimenting w/vitamins etc.
- Taking breaks from the news/social.

Take care of your network.

When everyone is glued to the news, we can be glued to each other.

Now is the time to reach out and support each other. It’s simple, just reach out. Just send a text saying "how are you?"

Not to ask for anything in return but to see where you can help fill any gaps, both for your neighbors and your business associates.

Now is a time to strengthen the web of relationships. Be the one to instigate the phone call.

Here’s what I’m doing:

- Paying yearly when I can.
- Paying contractors ahead of time
- Ordering takeout
- Reaching out to those in my network to see where I can support
- Doubling down on investing in my mission.

Use the change to change.

This break in schedule and routine is an opportunity for something new. This is forced change, so rather than push against it, lean into the change to find something new in yourself.

If you’re home now for extended periods of time, it’s time to learn a new skill or begin new habits.

For those who’s forced change is more difficult, such as longer hours at work or you work in medicine, this is where we’re tested on what we’re capable of.

This is where you've give it all you've got. This will be your finest hour.

Invest now, because things will change again.

In times like these, our society is going through a forced restructure.  

Industries are changing, market dynamics are changing, our preferences are changing. This is a time to invest, however that looks like you to, into where we are heading. That could be learning new skills, launching your side project, starting to write, whatever it may be.

Right now things feel frozen, like we're in free fall.

But we will land and grow from here.

Remember that this storm will abate. It always does.

Hold on to empathy and availability for people.

For any of those affected, by health or by families health, I truly wish you well and I hope that you know that both myself and this community are here in solidarity, human to human.

For those of us who can, if we can spend a bit of time each day thinking of others, and doing what we can to support, we will all get through this better off.

As always, my inbox is open, so feel free to hit reply if you'd like to share what you're thinking, doing, or feeling.

‍xx David
