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Social Media Metrics That Matter to Me

Staying consistent with social media is a struggle for many. There’s a trade-off, you want to create and share, but you don’t want to get stuck in the feed for too long, wasting hours of your precious time. When you catch yourself compulsively checking and consuming over-creating, it’

Social Media Metrics That Matter to Me
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When Pressure Changes Who You Are in Business

Coaching Founders, CEO’s, and executives I hear dozens of stories of stress, pressure, and burnout. I hear an extremely common pattern among other peers in my life that they were previously in a job until it totally burned them out and made them the worst versions of themselves. People

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Finding your "F-Yes's"

I’ve started taking note of everything that’s an “F-Yes” for me. I keep notecards on me, someone called them my “middle finger notecards” because they have a certain attitude toward only the things that I truly truly want to do/create/experience. I keep the cards in my

Finding your "F-Yes's"
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Getting Past The Story

The stories we tell ourselves shape how we act and respond to life. Stories about who we are, built up over years of repetition are the strongest – and they enforce a set of rules about who we’re supposed to be, and any time we break outside of the bounds

Getting Past The Story
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How Brand "Persuasion" Works

Persuasion is not ever really about persuasion. Brand’s don’t twist someone’s arm, they don’t really even change someone’s mind. To be persuasive is to identify an idea that matters and frame it in a way that someone feels compelled to follow or find true. Your

How Brand "Persuasion" Works
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Channeling Energy

You can create without being the one to do everything yourself. You just get to join in on what’s already there. Looking at markets, for example, you can join an already expanding market. In this way, you don’t have to create the market, just sell to it as

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On Gifting

I love the idea of gifts and I love gifting. I love planning experiences for others. If someone could buy you a gift, what would you want? Over the weekend my wife was asking me about gifts for the holidays. I’m lucky to have everything I need covered. With

On Gifting
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What I'm Grateful For

I've never written down this list on Thanksgiving day, and so we'll see if this starts a new tradition. Hoping you are having a great day wherever you are. I "get" to do a lot of different things, many of which are new and

What I'm Grateful For
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Nature's Personality Test

I’m a huge fan of personality tests. I like Kolbe, Enneagram, Wealth Dynamics, and even more esoteric tests that dive deeper into spiritual aspects self or life’s purpose. When you understand more about yourself, you gain confidence that the skills you naturally possess are worth doubling down on.

Nature's Personality Test
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Embracing Your Growth Edge

How have you changed this week? This month? This year? This past year I joined two speaking clubs, Toastmasters and Ultraspeaking to improve my off-the-cuff presentation. Most people when they join these clubs have a question in their minds “Are you as nervous as I am when I speak?” Part

Embracing Your Growth Edge