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What I'm Grateful For

David Sherry
1 min read
What I'm Grateful For

I've never written down this list on Thanksgiving day, and so we'll see if this starts a new tradition. Hoping you are having a great day wherever you are.

I "get" to do a lot of different things, many of which are new and unique, from travel to meeting interesting people.

Living in LA has given me access to the beach, I've been able to get there almost daily lately. I'm thankful for the flexibility in my day allowing me to do that.

My clients have taught me so much this year, I'm constantly learning. We all are if we're paying attention. There is more depth than I could have ever imagined in the topics that interest me, and more complexity to life than is fathomable.

I wouldn't trade places with anyone else. I have yet to find someone that I ever think I would want to trade with. That seems like a massive privilege.

This year was the best year of my life, and I said that last year at this time as well.

There is a massive set of resources that I use without ever needing to create them; from the paved roads, the water utilities, the sun, the whole ecosystem that we're a tiny part of all of which supports our lives.

I'm grateful for whatever time I have left and for the ability to discover and play in the time that I have. Grateful for the luck at being born in this time and place. And for the extended ancestry that lead to me being here, and everything they experienced, endured, and enjoyed.