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Art as a Simulation

Art provides flexibility to the rigid form of our persona.

Art as a Simulation
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More Voice

So the artists, the contributors, the founders are able to laser in on what's truly important. They can put words to it, and that turns into action. And this is what we call "voice."

More Voice
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Why Real Artists Ship

Getting through a large volume of work – the artist continually exposes one's self to the market. With each additional composition, new terrain has been uncovered and translated to the audience. And the conversation between the artist and audience can improve. Does the audience have the context to understand

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Creativity at the Margin

The way you hire an artist matters. Give them too many rules, and they rebel, or the work is flat. Give them too little and they take it too far outside what's necessary.‍ But just right, in the middle is about empowerment.‍ Brands and businesses today that understand

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The Meta Skill of the Artist and Entrepreneur

There are two ways to look at every situation... with fear or with curiosity and learning. The amygdala is an ancient part of our brain that holds fear. It's always been there to keep us safe. It interprets shadows as wild animals, and phone calls from our boss

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The Meta Skill of the Artist and Entrepreneur

There are two ways to look at every situation. With fear or with curiosity and learning. The fear part of our brains is the ancient part, the one that has been there to keep us safe. It interprets shadows as wild animals, and phone calls from our boss as our

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Intensions are Invisible

Many people who are trying to grow are stuck in the “how.” It’s possible that this is because it is the easiest question to ask. When you see something you want to replicate, or you see something you want to achieve, your impulse is to ask them “how” they

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Nature Wants Art

What is culture if not art? We think we live in a serious world. And no doubt there are plenty of things to be serious about. But look around you. Clothing has become fashion. Writing has become poetry. Food has become Art. All things converge to going beyond function. Nature

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Art is a Feeling pt. 1

You want to glow. You want to be as excited about the idea as anyone else. Even mores o. You share but you don’t need to. You don’t need a response. You want to overflow. It comes to you naturally, sometimes during a discussion or a conversation.  Sometimes

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Business and Art

We see the tech titans and wonder if that could ever be us, but the truth is, we can’t. Not because we lack the intelligence or the grit, but because we lack the will. There’s another phone call that’s ringing in our heads and we want to