Hey, I'm David.
I founded and bootstrapped Death to Stock 7 years ago which I grew to 500k subscribers and over $3M with a remote team of 2. I now advise and lead founders through in my 1-1 coaching programs. I also help facilitate a community for Brand Owners called Jacuzzi Club.
You can find me on Twitter and Youtube as well.
Join 4,500+ people who receive my free weekly email on my thoughts on the creator economy and coaching reflections for Founders.
xx David
Social Media Metrics That Matter to Me
Staying consistent with social media is a struggle for many. There’s a trade-off, you want to create and share, but you don’t want to get stuck in the feed for too long, wasting hours of your precious time. When you catch yourself compulsively checking and consuming over-creating, it’
When Pressure Changes Who You Are in Business
Coaching Founders, CEO’s, and executives I hear dozens of stories of stress, pressure, and burnout. I hear an extremely common pattern among other peers in my life that they were previously in a job until it totally burned them out and made them the worst versions of themselves. People
Finding your "F-Yes's"
I’ve started taking note of everything that’s an “F-Yes” for me. I keep notecards on me, someone called them my “middle finger notecards” because they have a certain attitude toward only the things that I truly truly want to do/create/experience. I keep the cards in my
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