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Personal Journey

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Life is a Garden

There is a difference in the quality of your day when you are proactive instead of reactive. When you're proactive, you realize that you can make time, in the literal sense. And when you're reactive, there is never enough time because you are too frozen to

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Pascal's Optimism

In Pascal’s Wager, you choose to believe in God, because the consequences of not doing so are greater than doing so. You pick the choice which protects your downside and gives you a potential upside. Today, the meaning we experience and how we interpret the events around us is

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The Reset

The reset. Sometimes things come along and drastically alter your path. This is one of those times. They happen at the end of a cycle – personal or global – and they shuffle the deck right before you played your cards. At least it feels that way. And of course, we’re

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The Meta Skill of the Artist and Entrepreneur

There are two ways to look at every situation. With fear or with curiosity and learning. The fear part of our brains is the ancient part, the one that has been there to keep us safe. It interprets shadows as wild animals, and phone calls from our boss as our

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Intensions are Invisible

Many people who are trying to grow are stuck in the “how.” It’s possible that this is because it is the easiest question to ask. When you see something you want to replicate, or you see something you want to achieve, your impulse is to ask them “how” they

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Feels Like Love

Or maybe a crush... I still get excited. Hands sweat a bit, and my heart-rate picks up. Like a noise going off, or rather it's more like a record scratch...screeeech It's a thrill. When I come across a brand that's doing something new

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Head vs. Heart

And start listening to your heart. I've gone off the deep-end haven't I? You're thinking, "OK David, sure, Live Laugh Love, and all that shit." But entertain the idea for me for a second. Think about a difficult choice you have to

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Feast On Your Life

You’ll wake up tomorrow and it will be Monday. Your weekend in the rear-view, the dinner with friends, and the corner seat at the coffee shop by the window, the service, and the store. You'll read this on the train or after you get into the office.

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The Seasons

Winter. It always lasts longer than you want. I’ve spent long bouts of time here. Uninspired, stuck, feeling stir-crazy. Mostly, it's because I can’t see what’s keeping me blocked, and time and energy seem to be moving slowly. It’s like the color is all

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Almost time to turn the heat up again. Last year, 2017, the theme I set for myself was Turning Pro. At 26, I wanted to leverage my past work growth and momentum into professionalism. Showing up and doing the work. So I dedicated my year to channeling my inner-Pressfield. 2017