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The Reset

David Sherry
1 min read

The reset.

Sometimes things come along and drastically alter your path. This is one of those times.

They happen at the end of a cycle – personal or global – and they shuffle the deck right before you played your cards.

At least it feels that way.

And of course, we’re all affected differently. As life events occur, some are devastating. Some, annoying. And others simply throw us off kilter such that we begin to forget who we were just weeks prior.

And everyone interprets these changes their own way.

Some downplay them. Others overdramatize them. Some seek ignorance.

In any event, we are here to learn and grow. And it’s in these moments when structures collapse that new ideas are born.

It’s in the gaps created by this vacuum that new leaders stand up.

And it’s in the silence that new voices emerge.

Whatever cards you were about to play, recognize that the game has shifted. Suddenly it’s time to make sense again. If you were unhappy about your cards, use this as a time to scrap them and plan your reinvention. And if you were well on your way, use this as a reset to double down but in a new way.

It’s on each and every one of us to adjust the meaning we perceive about the world and our lives in it, in moments like these. Even if that is a refocusing of your original plans.

Because the world isn’t static.

And because change breeds dynamism.

And nature hates complacency.

And order is often followed by collapse and then rebirth.

This is one of those times.

‍xx David

Personal JourneySelf InquiryCaffeine