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Tiny Gestures

A gesture is a tiny sign of commitment to something. When you open the door for someone, this gesture makes you feel just a bit different. And maybe them as well. When you light a candle. Pull out your favorite Pen. Dust off an old box of family photos. When

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Sunday Caffeine – Conversational Balance. April 25, 2021

Hey, and welcome back to Caffeine. I’m really happy to be here, and I’m glad that you’re reading this. We have a constant opportunity to re-adjust, re-connect, find focus… So, I’m grateful for that opportunity for the clean sheet of my text editor every time I

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Writers Today

So if you want to be an expert today the irony is that you can own a keyword. But not via Google.

Writers Today
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Creating Space for your Writing Practice

I've been writing a bit less due to other commitments, and I've noticed my writing start to atrophy a bit. It's like the wire that goes from somewhere in my mind to my fingers has started to fray. It's a bit clumsy.