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Mastery and Craft

Embarking on the journey to hone your craft.

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What We Want

We don't get what we want. We get what we need. We get what we can't not have. And so a question to ask yourself is... What is it that would be unacceptable for me to NOT have in the next year, or 5 years? We

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Growing Beyond Average

There are infinite ways to experience life. Some say that because every person's environment is different. Others say, "you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with." Or, that for whatever experience there is, it's said, "that'

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Do we really want success?

If you could "make it." If you could reach the top peak of everything you ever wanted to accomplish. Right now. In the snap of your fingers… Would you? Would we be happy with this grand achievement, if it came without effort? I'm not so sure.

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Leveling Up

Every time I’m about to level up in my career, every time I can start to see a new area of territory that can be explored… I hesitate. It’s uncomfortable to leap into something you've never done before. You don’t know what the fall will

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Artists Today

Artists today go direct. If you want to build an audience, go to the distribution channels with the most potential that will put the most gas on the fire. The earlier you arrive, the more opportunity you have. People need to get a taste of what you make and get

Artists Today