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Mastery and Craft

Embarking on the journey to hone your craft.

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How to Overcome Writer's Block and Produce High-Quality Content Consistently

Think of this as a masterclass on content publishing without struggle that you can learn and implement in just 10 minutes. An easy system to break your work into chunks and get more done in less time.

How to Overcome Writer's Block and Produce High-Quality Content Consistently
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Hacking Creative Work to "Flow Through You" and 6 Things That Keep You Out of the Zone

6 things that stop you from working in flow state, and how you can change them to stay in the zone and create magic.

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True for You: Navigating the Struggle of Authentic Self-Promotion

5 Strategies to publish content authentically, and avoid producing one-dimensional content "like everyone else."

True for You: Navigating the Struggle of Authentic Self-Promotion
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Online Education and the Reskilling Boom

I have been spending more and more time on Youtube, Skillshare, and other online platforms. A lot of what I’m doing there is learning. If you do it right, you can train the algorithm to work for you [] , rather than pull

Online Education and the Reskilling Boom
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Weekly Caffeine - Share Your Depth

Refinement is the ingredient present in the art we love, the architecture, the music, books, or any other type of human creativity. In science is about refinement. We continually learn more and more about the cell, about the stars, and how matter interacts. In art, we continually refine what we

Weekly Caffeine - Share Your Depth
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The Biggest Lesson I Learned in 2020

Everything worthwhile comes from building something of substance. But it’s the appearances people chase.

The Biggest Lesson I Learned in 2020
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Writers Today

So if you want to be an expert today the irony is that you can own a keyword. But not via Google.

Writers Today
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Everyone is on Their Own Journey

Everyone begins their journey naive, and sometimes...bold. If you're lucky, people put up with your naiveté long enough for you to gain wisdom. I was lucky in that regard. But I choose the startup route. It seemed to fit my strengths, which in most other areas were

Everyone is on Their Own Journey
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Desire vs. Discovery as Motivation

In your 20’s you're driven by desire. You’ve been so accustomed to pleasing others,  seeking positive feedback, seeking status, chasing money… you do all you can do get external rewards. You’re drive makes you blind to most others, and you’re somewhat self-centered, by only

Desire vs. Discovery as Motivation
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A Question to Consider to Understand the Actions of Others

Today, criticism and polarization are the lenses that are applied to the news that we are given. We watch people in videos on social media, in the news, we read stories, and we think to ourselves “What an idiotic decision! How could THEY do that?” But to be wise is