Creative Lessons
Lessons that emerged from the work
Finding your "F-Yes's"
I’ve started taking note of everything that’s an “F-Yes” for me. I keep notecards on me, someone called them my “middle finger notecards” because they have a certain attitude toward only the things that I truly truly want to do/create/experience. I keep the cards in my
How to Overcome Writer's Block and Produce High-Quality Content Consistently
Think of this as a masterclass on content publishing without struggle that you can learn and implement in just 10 minutes. An easy system to break your work into chunks and get more done in less time.
Hacking Creative Work to "Flow Through You" and 6 Things That Keep You Out of the Zone
6 things that stop you from working in flow state, and how you can change them to stay in the zone and create magic.
The Key to Lasting Business Success: Understanding Human Nature
1 Business is always changing, but people are not. Without understanding this, business success can feel random. Your work-life or business can feel overwhelming. With things changing so fast, how do I adapt? We get confused when a product isn't selling, or why a product is selling, and
Wealth = Working with great people
After all of the money, Charlie Munger and Warren Buffet said that essentially the commodities you could buy were no match for "the ability to find people you really enjoy working with and working with them." I think that says a lot about happiness in general, as well
Making Progress & why "competition" doesn't exist.
A major modern struggle is feeling a gap; between where we are and where we want to go. This gap is often unconscious, and primed from our constant exposure to the lives of others: * With such easy access to see exactly what other people have, and what we don'
I Keep a Dopamine Notebook to Capture and Put Distracted Thoughts into Paper Jail
"Dopamine itself is not the reward, it is the build-up to the reward". – Andrew Huberman
So you want to be creative? Excitement is the missing ingredient
If I'm not excited or energized, I can't do something. You can call it a flaw, something I need to work through or work on, something I should get past, but I'm not sure I can. And yes, I've read Pressfield'
Cutting off edutainment, reading better content
I'm addicted to macroeconomics. I studied Econ in college, and while I honestly sucked in the classroom, I pay attention to global macro and finance the way that people get into sports teams. While I like being informed at the surface level, the truth is I'm
Hot Streaks
Sometimes some of our biggest successes are followed by lows. Some of our deepest lows are followed by our greatest peaks. There are two concepts that I find helpful to understand if you find yourself in this ebb and flow between success and burnout. Stuckness and success. "Ceilings"