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Committing to Your Work

Staying unstuck, keeping creative... it's tough. Explore these posts on how to keep a strong creative presence.

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What is Art?

Art is everything you don’t have to do, but choose to do. Art is the decision to go above and beyond. It’s an overflowing cup. Transactional work is uninspiring (You give me this, I give you that). Art is giving someone your humanity, listening with empathy, sharing your

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The Golden Age

Can Tweeting be art? And is art curation now happening on Instagram? My question is more about our frame of reference for history. As in, every so often there's a cycle of history in which we go through a period of great artistic development: A Golden Age. And

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Feels Like Love

Or maybe a crush... I still get excited. Hands sweat a bit, and my heart-rate picks up. Like a noise going off, or rather it's more like a record scratch...screeeech It's a thrill. When I come across a brand that's doing something new