Terry Crews on Tim Ferriss
It’s one of my favorite interviews of the past year.
I had tuned out from the Ferriss podcast about six months back; I'd felt sick of hearing too much logical thinking and mechanical approaches to living life.
But ever since Tim has started to become a bit more emotionally focused he's hit his stride. Not to mention he's put in his time and prep. We're likely seeing the birth of the new era of interviewers, most of which will live in a world of Podcasts or on Youtube.
And Terry Crews is a talented storyteller, not because of any trained skill so much as the emotion he pulls you in with, and the fact that they're all things that happened to him. Real-life stories, failures, vulnerability, victories, changes in thinking along his life's timeline.
It makes you realize that people really can change and grow if they keep at it.
Never underestimate the power of stories, especially those that are true.
What we're looking for today is a breath of fresh air. Someone to share struggle and triumph alike. And also someone who can turn conventional wisdom on its head.
Most of what we're getting in the media is the opposite. Too many people acting infallible, ironically, at a time where we're shining a light on infractions more than ever. But this may change, thanks to people like Crews, both for his vulnerability and for standing up to those in power in his own stories of sexual misconduct.
I don’t want to give everything away, but his story alone is fascinating.
He broke the mold.
He's from Flint, Michigan: Yes, the place that didn't have clean water for three years.
And he was a painter, before he was a football player, before he was an actor.
An artist, breaking through into sports... it's not common.
He shares how a mentor changed his life in high-school, helping him apply for an art scholarship, unbeknownst to him.
And he talks about ending relationships. What do you do when you can no longer want to be friends with someone you've known for years?
And what happens when you miss a big shot?
Lessons from someone who's experienced a life of breaking expectations; which makes you feel like you can too.
So if you can, it’s worth a listen.
Maybe you’re not hip to podcasts yet, let this be your start.
xx David
I've linked you to iTunes, which has a surprisingly terrible UX. Apple wants to make the switch from products to services, but Spotify will catch up to them in the podcast market if they don't make some changes. Their latest update to the app store improved, but the latest iTunes one did not. I find it even harder to use.
Don't let that dissuade you from starting to listen to podcasts. The tech will improve, as will the shows. But there's already a massive back catalog waiting for you.The next wave won't be interviews, but storylines, new worlds, fiction, and comedy. So if you can't get into interview shows, start with "S-Town," the breakthrough hit "Serial" or "This American Life," which you probably remember from the radio.
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