Squarespace's new updates

After using Super.so for my personal coaching website, I'm moving over to Squarespace.

It's funny, way back when I got started I was all about Squarespace. This is like, 2012 or so, so it was really early days. Having a "no-code" builder at that time was epic. I built a few sites myself even though I couldn't code... amazing.

Crazy enough they're a pretty big Death to Stock customer today via Unfold (acquired).

DTS helping brands come to life

Thinking about this shows how long my journey in No-code has been...

And last year I worked with Makerpad as a client before they exited to Zapier.

They are the leaders in no-code education, which goes way beyond just making websites today. For example, I have a new project I'm thinking about and the first thing I consider now is how to build it with no code first.

Anyways, here are a few updates that had me reconsider Squarespace again for my site.

Fluid Engine

They have a new drag and drop editor so I can work with a freelancer but also custom edit myself easily.


Squarespace now has a Linktree competitor. Pretty handy for keeping your social links on lock.

Scheduling + Invoices

Like many of their features I'm not sure if I'll use this, I mostly use a mix of Stripe + Calendly + Vimcal. It might come in hand at some point.

Members Only

Purpose built community sites will probably take over here but you can paywall content which is a nice touch with their new members only section.

What site builders and no-code tools are you using today?

I'm looking forward to utilizing some of the new Squarespace this year. I'll share the site when it's up!

As always, have an amazing week,

xx David