Read this when you have a decision to make.
Decision making…
You almost always have more time than you think. You don’t need to make a decision on that call, or to that email just yet.
There is always another 24 hours to deliberate. Ask for it, or give it to yourself.
Decision making…
Is difficult to take responsibility for, so we often try and pass our decisions to someone else to make for us.
Decision making…
Is enjoyable because having options is enjoyable. It's far much worse to be in a place where there are no options and no choice.
Decision making…
Is the only difference between a leader and a non-leader. Will you make a decision and accept responsibility, or will you abdicate?
Decision making…
Needs mental clarity, but ultimately we’ll make the call based on feel. Overthinking is a waste of time, and distorts the truth.
Decision making…
Takes a split second.
What really takes days, weeks, months, years of deliberation, is accepting the consequences of the decision that we’ve already made.
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