Questions, Not Answers

What's more valuable, the question or an answer?

The internet is filled with answers and people supplying them.

This dynamic is a good thing and the literal fabric of what the web is based on (with Google being a question box to find answers).

This has us seeking short cuts, and often, we find ourselves seeking answers from everywhere and everyone.

It feels like today, there is more value in good questions, and there are many answers which are cheap, ineffective, or not quite a fit for any of your specific situations.

But what if everything great came from a really great question?

A question that can lead to months or even years of development and learning.

What if inside of a really great question contains the seeds of a great answer?

The seeds of a journey? And the seeds of a new way of seeing the world?

So now I have to ask.

What questions have you been asking, lately?
Xx David