Great Art Comes From Nowhere
Every blank page, every open design file, every pause before a presentation, is an opportunity.
It is an invitation.
There is space to be filled.
But how one goes about filling it, determines it's resonance.
It is here that begins a critical problem for the creative.
They now feel that space must be filled.
They now see the full blank canvas.
And because of this compulsion (to fill space), it's possible that the work is done as a reaction.
And If something is done as a reaction, it will be done out of fear.
It will be done to ease the pressure.
And giving in to this pressure limits the scope of the possibility of the action.
What happens is very nuanced, but essentially this boils down to your mind reaching for the known, rather than the unknown.
The known is constrained by your expectations.
And the unknown is where everything creative happens.
This well which you dip into is silently waiting to be tapped.
But to tap it takes training, not repetition.
You see, practice helps, but not for the reason you think it does.
Practice helps, because the compulsion to fill space lessens as you get more exposure, and so the comfortable ability to dip into the well regardless of the circumstance or void, becomes trained.
Your "process" or ritual however short or long is what gets you into this space. But that space is one of comfort and confidence and not one of wrote mechanical repetition.
This is confidence that you are able to get to that place.
And audiences, well we are very astute.
We pick up on the most subtle of word choices, the smallest shifts in energies.
Nowhere is this more present than in the world of stand up comedy. Where movements, tone changes, or space cause a variety of reactions from the audience.
And in the end, greatness is created at the moment as both the audience and the creator leave the known together.
They are both in this void, which is simultaneously open to possibility yet being filled all throughout.
It is not science. It is art.
And art is impossible to describe to specific criteria and specifications.
Because it comes from you and from nowhere.
As it always has...
xx David
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