Creative Caffeine - Today's Moment of Gratitude

When I think about my day, and how I spend my time, I'm starting to see how simple it really is.

Most of how I spend my time now is dedicated to this small screen of my computer or phone. Sure, it's a scary place, a stressful place, or mean place... if you let it be. But you don't need to choose to connect with it in that way.

You can go to your screen to help you have more ability every day.

It's where I go to write.

It's where I go to read (from thousands of others freely sharing their thinking).

It's where I talk with friends and acquaintances.

I listen to music or watch videos.

I learn.

I problem solve things that come up in my business.

Sometimes I can even ask for help.

And when I'm not tapped into my screen at the coffee shop or at home, I go for a walk or I work out.Or I can go interact with people and events, and observe it, or document it, think about it. It doesn't always need to be there.

But usually, I'll get ideas again that I jot down on my screen for later.

I'm plugged in; It's a place where I get to share and interact.

There's a lot of noise but there's also a lot of simplicity in having it all in one place, curated by me, available for whatever and whenever I want.

I can turn it off.

But I couldn't go back.

It's magic.

xx David