Art is Rebellion

We might take weeks, months, or years talking about making a film.

Or thinking of picking up a camera and doing our first shoot.

Or making our first song and hitting "publish."

And then there's those who have put themselves on the line so consistently, in such raw form, that we marvel at what they show is possible.

Like Jerry Seinfeld. Like Dallas Clayton. Like J.R. Like Casey Neistat.

To be an Artist is to be a Rebel.

To consistently create art from deep within your core on a regular basis and share it with the world is, in a way, a middle finger.

It is a challenge with yourself.

It's not how the system wants you to act.

Do you have something to say, and will you put yourself on the line to say it?

And can I really write every single day?

Can I really make a video every single day?

Can I shoot a documentary across 7 countries, dozens of interviews, and all in 6 months?

Most days, we don't allow ourselves to think about what our ultimate possibility is.

We shy away from accepting the possibility that somewhere deep inside is a strength, a vision, a creative engine which is clamped down and kept quiet, lest we really figure out what our true power is.

The ultimate fear is the fear of yourself.

The fear of your possibility.

The fear of how far you might be able to go.

How much can you truly poke the world and see what happens?

How much change can you make if you empty your tank without abandon proving to no one but yourself that the potential you have inside was accurate...and then some.

And in this act of rebellion, the artist is the one most surprised.

The artist is shocked by the response.

Humbled by the nature of praise.

They never imagined themselves to be here.

And yet they made a deal with themselves long ago to chase this muse to its ultimate end.

An artist walks the tightrope.

We can't help but look up.

An artist is a Hydra.

Their expressions cannot be kept at bay.

An artist is dangerous.

They show us what is possible within ourselves.

If we dare to find out...

Xx David