A mirror for your growth
The dirty secret of the startup industry is...
It's an emotional roller coaster, with yourself.
Starting and running a company, launching a creative project, changing careers... these take a massive emotional toll.
I’ve been there.
I bootstrapped a company at 23, hitting $1M in revenue... and then got shingles at 26 from stress.
Which was the best thing that could have happened.
I’ve spent the last few years dedicated to completely changing my relationship with my work. And it’s something I’ve been profoundly grateful for.
What if instead of settling for incremental improvements, slight upgrades or changes...
You can leap forward by developing yourself through the process of subtracting stories, ideas, stresses all of which limit you?
There are the ceilings you run into again and again, and on the other side is an entirely new height to reach.
What if you have an incredible opportunity, but you limit it greatly?
Not because of competition, not because of cash flow, not because of anything outside of yourself. Not even because you don’t know “how” to do any technique?
There is no greater opportunity, no greater reward that can come from discovering more about yourself, it's the most important and underrated method for growth.
There is no greater productivity hack, creativity upgrade, energy unlock than working through misperceptions about who you are which keep you stuck.
Anxiety, stress, difficulty in relationships or work...all can be overcome and outgrown. But to do so, you need to reach the roots, rather than reaching for the superficial fixes...
I am offering to be a mirror.
My job is to help you reflect, help you see, help you become more of what you know inside you can be in the world.
To help pinpoint areas that have been a cycle of confusion, pain, stress or lack of momentum.
And help you remove them entirely.
I hesitate to call it coaching, because I’m more like a creative partner. It’s more of a process you can apply to examine areas in your life which need change.
I am opening this individually at first, and in groups later.
We will have conversations weekly, in 6-week blocks of time.
From my estimation, even 1 or 2 of these cycles would drastically improve your ability and reduce stress, change your relationship to your work, and free up creativity.
I’m not offering to help you with your business or brand, but don’t be surprised if we solve problems there.
I am offering to help with the anxieties, the fears that come up and keep you playing small.
My job is to raise your bar for what life can be.
As your mirror, we will work to ask new questions.
To look into why you can’t stay motivated, why you stop projects part way through, why you are unsure of what to do next, why you're stuck in a pattern...
We're after fundamental changes in experience.
And a step up for growth that will last and serve you as a foundation for the future.
Hit reply or click to set up (https://calendly.com/davidsherry/creative-therapy) a call.
xx David
P.S. First meeting is on me, and I have no expectations for where we start, only for where we go.
P.P.S. It takes courage to raise your hand, to actively try and change things, which is why I'm making call 1 open, without expectation.
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